Le lundi 02 février 2009 à 23:06 +0000, Jon Dowland a écrit :
> problem was not being in the powerdev group. I guess the desktop env.
> task in d-i is what normally puts the primary user in this group? I
> think that another route is needed (I always deselect everything in
> tasksel and manually choose a subset of the gnome-desktop-environment
> deps immediately afterwards)

No, the user created in d-i is always added to powerdev, regardless of
what you choose to install. 

> secondly I think that there should be some kind of indication from g-p-m
> as to why the call failed if it's a permissions issue on dbus. I'm
> assuming (but haven't confirmed) that it is possible for g-p-m to
> determine this.

Yes, it’s definitely possible; we’ll need to have a look.

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