Dear Norbert,

sorry for bugging you.

Am Donnerstag, den 12.02.2009, 13:35 +0100 schrieb Norbert Preining:

> > I am raising the severity because xelatex is unusable for me.
> What about simply using
>       \"Ubung ...
> and then xelatex ...
> That works.
> > In my message from Sunday 13:47 (EST) I enumerated some ways to fix
> > this.
> No, you enumerated problems, no ways to fix it.

Well, I consider documenting this bug in README.Debian as a fix and
would appreciate if you could point to this report or write down to use
\" for umlauts (although this defeats the purpose to use xelatex for
full UTF-8 support).

> The fix is useing \"U for now.

This works for me.

> > If I am wrong about the severity, I am sorry.
> Yes you are. Noone ever said that xetex is ready for full math
> typesetting. That is so much WIP, the lmodern fonts in use in Debian
> imply don't have the math stuff AFAIS set up properly.
> But we cannot update only lmodern, because there are a bunch of other
> things we would have to touch withing texlive (fontspec eg). That is not
> a good idea.
> So your options are:
> - wait for texlive 2008 in Debian
> - install texlive 2008 as is (no debian packages)
>   (I can confirm that using test-fontspec in TL2008 gives the expected
>   output)
> - use pdflatex
> - use \" notation (recode is your friend, I guess it has a mode for
>   that)
> - install updated packages for fontspc, lmodern etc locally
> But there is no fix for *all*.

Thanks for your answer and work,


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