also sprach martin f krafft <> [2009.02.12.1726 +0100]:
> and bluetooth-applet also does not seem to work. If I start it and
> plug in my adapter, I get:
> Agent registration failed: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules;
> type="method_call", sender=":1.13" (uid=1000 pid=9760
> comm="bluetooth-applet ") interface="org.bluez.Adapter"
> member="RegisterAgent" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0
> destination="org.bluez" (uid=0 pid=9313 comm="/usr/sbin/bluetoothd
> "))

So far, I have not managed to do an OBEX transfer to an unknown
device, since I cannot enter the PIN code.

Also, I have yet to make rfcomm work again to be able to sync with
my Palm again.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

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