Package: fai
Version: 2.8.4

Good day,

I want to report two problems with fai, the first one of which I
consider 'important', the second one a nuissance, which could
nevertheless ruin ones day.

The bug: "ftar -1" doesn't work and aborts!
This comes from missing '[...]' brackets around the "$single"
in line 47 of /usr/sbin/ftar
(     # if option -1 is set, only one class will be used
    [ $single ] && exit 0

The nuissance: When there is no further action of altering
the /etc/hosts-file in s fai 'softupdate', a new line containing
the hostname is appended everytime, for me even an invalid one,
because the IP-address variable "$IPADDR" is not set.

The source of this is the line
in the 'task_prepareapt ()' function in

I've no proper fix for that, as I don't know in what regard it would
interfere with 'normal' operation, but I suggest to execute this
statemen and thus append this line to /etc/hosts only in the case
of a fai 'install', not a fai 'softupdate'.

Thanks for a good product,
 Ruediger Oberhage
H.-R. Oberhage
Mail: Univ. Duisburg-Essen      E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Fachbereich Physik                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Campus Essen, S05 V07 E88
      Universitaetsstrasse 5    Phone:  {+49|0} 201 / 183-2493
      45141 Essen, Germany      FAX:    {+49|0} 201 / 183-4578

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