Dear Stephan,

Am Montag, den 25.02.2008, 22:01 +0100 schrieb Stephan Windmüller:
> On Mon, 25. Feb 2008, Frank Küster wrote:
> > > The file /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/europecv/ecvde.def contains 
> > > the word
> > > "E-mail", but the only correct spelling in german for this word is 
> > > "E-Mail".
> > Thank you for reporting this.  Would you be so kind and contact the
> > upstream maintainer and report the error to him?  The TeX team is
> > currently overloaded with work and won't be able to handle issues like
> > this in a timely fashion.
> The bug has been forwarded to the upstream author, Nicola Vitacolonna.

I stumbled upon the same mistake. Did you get an answer from Nicola? I
can not find an updated version and CTAN has still the one from 2006

If not how are “orphaned” packages/classes and their patches handled in
TeXLive/CTAN? Is there a repository one can add patches to?



PS: Just for the record. There is also a typo in [2].


I attach a patch for the record.

[2] /usr/share/texmf-texlive/doc/latex/europecv/templates/cv_template_de.tex

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