Package: bzr-builddeb
Version: 0.95
Severity: normal

The program ‘bzr-buildpackage’ has a manpage, but it is virtually no

        bzr-buildpackage - build a debian package from a bazaar branch

        Please see the output of bzr-buildpackage --help, and the file

This is little more than a placeholder, and serves only to fool
‘lintian’ without actually providing the information for users that
should be in a manpage.

Policy §12.1 requires “a proper manpage” for every program, and this
does not, IMO, qualify, so arguably this is a policy violation; I
leave that call to someone else, though.

Since this is not yet a useful manpage for the program, it should
instead be removed, so that ‘lintian’ will correctly report the lack.

One possibility for generating a useful manpage would be to start with
the ‘help2man’ tool.

 \     “We are not gonna be great; we are not gonna be amazing; we are |
  `\           gonna be *amazingly* amazing!” —Zaphod Beeblebrox, _The |
_o__)                Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy_, Douglas Adams |
Ben Finney <>

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