Willi Mann schrieb:
Pete de Zwart schrieb:

Hi Willi,

    Couier-authdaemon is using the "out of the box" debian config, is
there a specific file I can check for you?

I just wanted to make sure I search in the right module (authpam). I'll do that later today unless someone else comes up with a solution/explanation.

OK, the problem really was wrong parsing of the GECOS field. The patch is attached. Do you know how to recompile courier?

--- success.c.old	2005-06-25 11:00:23.000000000 +0200
+++ success.c	2005-06-25 12:09:08.000000000 +0200
@@ -70,11 +70,12 @@
 	strcat(strcpy(authfullname_buf, "AUTHFULLNAME="), authfullname);
-	/* Get rid of GECOS crud */
+	/* Get rid of GECOS crud, we only need the first field */
-	p=authfullname_buf+strlen(authfullname_buf);
-	while (*--p == ',')
-		*p=0;
+	p=authfullname_buf;
+	while (*p != ',' && *p != '\0')
+		p++;
+	*p=0;

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