Twas brillig at 14:04:09 18.03.2009 UTC+01 when did gyre 
and gimble:

 RF> Hmm, does it work if you find the interface number of this device
 RF> with tcpdump -D and use that as argument to -i?

Yes. But I suppose those numbers change from time to time.

 RF> tcpdump interprets interface names beginning with 'usb' as attempts
 RF> to dump USB packets, which is not what you want.

What a shame! Maybe it's a good idea to use another prefix for dumping
USB, not the one overlapping with default interface names for drivers in
kernel? Though it is more upstream issue.

 >> Similar bug in Novell bugtracker:

 RF> That sounds like some other issue.

Looks the same for me: error message about usbmon appears when trying to
run tcpdump usb0 as non-root.


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