> Michael Tautschnig <m...@debian.org> writes:
> > I've just checked and I think both the file one can download from the
> > bugreport and my local copy here _do_ have a newline, but my methods for
> > checking that might not be as effective. Anyway, I've attached a freshly
> > generated index file, this time gzipped to make sure my mail agent
> > doesnt harm it and I've also BCC'ed Russ to avoid any extra loops.
> Yup.  There's a trailing newline -- that wasn't the problem.
> I'm a little disturbed by the degree to which the spacing indentation
> changes in your index.  That in and of itself shouldn't cause Lintian any
> problems, but I don't understand why it's happening.  It doesn't do this
> for me when I run tar -tvf on a source tarball, and the manipulations that
> Lintian does shouldn't change the spacing of the columns.  I'm not sure if
> that's perhaps a sign of some other issue or just nothing.

Ok, what happens here if I just do a plain tar -tvf is that indentation
increases whenever the file size doesn't fit into that particular column
anymore, like this:

-rw------- michael/staff 895232 2009-03-23 17:22 clamav-0.95/database/daily.cvd
-rw------- michael/staff 20091559 2009-02-15 22:47 clamav-0.95/database/main.cvd

That seems sensible to me, it's just that the index file apparently has a
different sorting of the entries, therefore the indentation feels strange.

> I *think* I might have fixed your problem, though.  Could you try the
> following patch against your /usr/share/lintian directory and see if it
> makes the problem go away?  (Although if this did fix it, I don't know why
> the problem wasn't reproducible.)


No sorry, that doesn't fix the problem, actually it seems it didn't change


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