Le vendredi 03 avril 2009 à 19:34 +0200, Cedric Blancher a écrit :
> Le vendredi 03 avril 2009 à 11:00 +0200, Josselin Mouette a écrit :
> > Is the session dbus daemon started when this happens?
> Seems so:
> ~$ ps ax
>  8143 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5
> --print-address 7 --session
>  8144 ?        S      0:00 dbus-launch --autolaunch
> fd5b4045a3b0c84711d55dc2cfcb9100 --binary-syntax --close-stderr
>  8146 ?        S      0:01 /usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconfd-2
>  8149 ?        Ss     0:00 dbus-daemon --fork --print-address 19
> --print-pid 21 --session
>  8150 ?        Sl     0:01 gnome-settings-daemon
>  8153 ?        S      0:01 /usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconfd-2

> Looks like there are too many dbus-daemon launched at the same time...
> Should be only one I guess in addition to the system one, I guess.

Yes, you have two gconfd processes and two session buses, so this is a
big FAIL.

A similar issue has already been reported but we couldn’t find why this
happens. The fact that the second dbus-daemon is initiated with
--autolaunch makes me think there is an issue here, but I don’t really
know how to do that.

@utopia: any ideas?

 .''`.      Debian 5.0 "Lenny" has been released!
: :' :
`. `'   Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told
  `-    me that if you don't install Lenny, he'd melt your brain.

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