severity 523854 grave
tags 523854 patch

with nautilus > 2.20, gnome-vfs is no longer used. Plugins are moved to a new
directory for the new plugin API (which is mostly the same as the old).

Primarily plugins can no longer rely on nautilus doing gnome_vfs_init for them.
The quick fix is to have the plugin call gnome_vfs_init themselves, the proper
fix is to port it away from gnome_vfs (usually to glib/gio) - since gnomevfs
will probably go away in gnome 3.0.
(gnomevfs seems to only be used for uri parsing, should be easy to replace.)

For more information see:

Initial patch available in bugzilla, proper port still needed.
(nautilus-actions seems to be unmaintained upstream.)

Andreas Henriksson

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