On Tue, 28 Apr 2009 20:34:10 +0200, Yves-Alexis wrote:

>> But with a plain PolicyKit.conf I still couldn't shutdown/reboot my
>> system. I had to uncomment the content of the posted PolicyKit.conf
>> to get it working. After that, polkit-auth listed the shutdown and
>> reboot actions and shutting down the system from Xfce actually
>> worked.
>That's weird. But anyway it's a policykit problem. And btw I think you
>changed something, because it does work out of the box on all machines
>I tried.

Ok, good to hear it's only on my system. At least good for other
users :).

But then, just for curiosity, I want to know what's different on my

[20:42] enr...@ukio (0): /tmp$ groups
enrico dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev users fuse sambashare
netdev kvm

Does that seem ok?
Do I need to be member of any other groups? Maybe "polkituser" or
What else could be wrong/different?


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