On mar, 2009-04-28 at 14:56 -0600, Scott Barker wrote:
> On 04/28/09 14:29, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> > If it's installed, consolekit stuff will be positionned at login, and
> > should be propagated to any desktop run from there. And that's why
> > 90consolekit should _not_ be run, and why the pam module sets a variable
> > to be sure.
> That makes sense, except that the consolekit stuff appears to not be 
> propagated. Perhaps the true cause of these problems is a bug in 
> consolekit? Although from my readings on consolekit, it is not intended 
> to propagate sessions across changing ttys (as in text login tty -> 
> xinit tty).


> > But we have a problem with 2a because in some cases which you exposed in
> > I don't remember which bug, that the ck session on console wasn't
> > propagated to the desktop session. Could you give (on that bug) a
> > summary of how to reproduce this?
> Reproducing it appears to be straight-forward:
>    0) remove .xsession, .xinitrc, and other similar X customization files
>    1) install libpam-ck-connector
>    2) kill all /sbin/login processes (so login reloads the pam stack)
>    3) log out and log back in
>    4) run polkit-auth (all necessary permissions will be present)
>    5) run startxfce4
>    6) run polkit-auth from a terminal (most permissions are now missing)

Ok. I've tested and we have indeed propagation problems. I'm not sure
how it's supposed to be handled, but I think it's a bug in consolekit. I
don't exactly know how it should be done, but:

- either the authentication propagates from console to X
- either the 90consolekit shouldn't prevent ck-launch

What do you think?

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