block 514390 by 520194
block 514390 by 525300
block 514390 by 512774
block 514390 by 519771
block 514390 by 499402

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 02:58:41AM -0600, René Mayorga wrote:
> But since my lack of time on this days, I leave some depends that
> still need to be ITPed, so, if someone have enough free time
> and want to help  will be appreciated.

That will apparently require packaging Perl::Metrics::Simple,
Test::CheckChanges, Test::CheckManifest, Test::Dir, Test::HasVersion,
Test::Signature, and Test::UseAllModules, and any dependencies that
those have, in addition to poking the owners of the above listed ITPs.

Ryan Niebur

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