Not knowing whether or not having both pcnet32 and vmxnet modules loaded, I
found a work around that consistently shows only:

$ lsmod | egrep 'vm|pcnet'
vmsync                  3836  0
vmmemctl                7388  0
vmhgfs                 33376  0
vmxnet                 13696  0

I think this workaround is generally a wrong way of doing things, however,
as it involves putting the pcnet32 module in the blackout list, meaning that
when the vmxnet module won't load (after reboot on kernel upgrade), network
connectivity will more than likely be lost completely.  ... but it corrects
the inconsistent behavior of either loading both pcnet32 and vmxnet, or
loading only pcnet32 only.

I added this line to: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist:
blacklist pcnet32

Then I reconfigured initramfs:
dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)

then rebooted, and got the result above.

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