Olivier Berger wrote:
> Package: tracker
> Version: 0.6.93-1+b1
> Severity: normal
> Tracker defaults to options which maximize usage of resources, often leading 
> to problems for the user (see #467270 for instance).
> I'd very much suggest to change its default, for example in a way similar to 
> the following :

Hi Olivier,

I think the general idea to is a good one.

Some comments:

$ diff -ibw /home/user/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg-default
/home/user/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg :
> 8c8
> < LowMemoryMode=false
> ---
>> LowMemoryMode=true

Did you measure any noticeable difference when using LowMemoryMode=true?
What are the numbers

> 24c24
> < Throttle=0
> ---
>> Throttle=20

20 is probably a bit too conservative. I've been using 10 and never ever notice
that tracker is running in the background.

> 28c28
> < EnableFileContentIndexing=true
> ---
>> EnableFileContentIndexing=false

Hm, I don't think this would be a good idea.
People installing tracker (remember, we don't install it by default) rightfully
expect tracker to index all their documents, including its content.

> 30c30
> < EnableThumbnails=true
> ---
>> EnableThumbnails=false

That shouldn't really make a difference.

> 33c33
> < DisabledModules=
> ---
>> DisabledModules=evolution;

I'd be ok with that. Disabling evolution mail indexing by default is probably a
good idea.

> 70c70
> < IndexMountedDirectories=true
> ---
>> IndexMountedDirectories=false
> 72c72
> < IndexRemovableMedia=true
> ---
>> IndexRemovableMedia=false

I'd rather keep those set to true.

> This would ensure the user is not bothered too much unless asking so.

In a way, the user asked so explicitly by installing the tracker package, so I
don't want to disable too much of it's functionality. Making tracker less
invasive (e.g. Throttle = 10) is fine with me though.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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