Marco Amadori wrote:

> To umount /cdrom those two simple steps must added to live-installer:
> # umount /mnt
> # /target/sbin/losetup -d /dev/loop0

Unfortunately, it's never that simple:

 - Firstly, we don't use loopback devices and /mnt in all cases. For
   example, when using the "dir"-style of live-installer we don't need
   to mount (and thus unmount) anything.

   This would be easily fixed by using another dispatch call like
   `eval "${SUPPORT}_teardown"` to do the right thing - not a big issue.

 - Secondly, it would require the target filesystem to have losetup.
   This would be somewhat ironic, as we just lost the dependency on

   Anyway, as a background using's util-linux (ie. normal
   Debian), mounting and unmounting with:

      # mount -t squashfs -o loop filesystem.squashfs /mnt
      # umount /mnt

   .. automatically cleans up /dev/loopN for us. However, under busybox
   (and thus d-i), you need:

      # mount -t squashfs -o loop filesystem.squashfs /mnt
      # umount -d /mnt

Will provide a full patch later today or tomorrow.


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`

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