I found another thing ,

This problem arises only with Priority Systems (ESHbell) -

Another way to work with it (Around it ) is to use FreeBidi and prevent
for instance if you change nulls to space (or -1 for instance ) where the
null number should be set,
After the input you should remove the wrong value.

>From what i understand this happens doo to  RTL letters.

Using perl :

sub utf8_log2vis {

my $foo = shift;
my $vis;

if (!utf8::is_utf8($foo)) {
$vis = Text::Bidi->log2vis($foo , $Text::Bidi::Type::RTL);

return $vis;

It is a much better solution do to the reason that it is a generic solution.
Next all inputs that involve RTL letters has to be sent using some sort of
bidi solution (when involving diffrent languages)

so your INSERT will look like :

$insert_with_rtl->execute( &log2vis($value_list->{"some_key"}),
&log2vis($value_list->{"some_other_key"} );

-- Boris Shtrasman ------------
|Gnu/Linux Software developer   |
| IM       : bo...@jabber.com   |
| URL      : myrtfm.blogspot.com|

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