OoO En  ce doux début  de matinée du  jeudi 23 juin 2005,  vers 08:51,
David Schmitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

> When resuming, I get the same oops as Johannes Rohr. I tried to resume
> the image with my earlier kernels too and got similar oopses, leading me
> to the suspicion, that the suspended image is somehow corrupted.
> Therefore I have saved a copy of my suspended swapspace where I can do
> test if needed.

I  have  the  same problem  with  a  This worked  fine  with
2.1.7. Note that I am using  suspend2ui_fbsplash and that swap is on a
DM  device (which seems  correctly initialized).  The machine  is then
unstable and I was not able to login properly (no more keyboard), so I
cannot give additional information.
Make your program read from top to bottom.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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