Robert Millan escrigué:
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 10:02:14PM +0200, Bernat Arlandis i Mañó wrote:

Exactly the same problem here. I'm on AMD64 too, maybe that's the problem. I don't know if I can continue to use it or it will definitely destroy my notes.


First of all, if you're using 0.5.1 I suggest you make a backup of your
note directory (~/.gnote).

I would need some way to reproduce this problem.  Try the following:

  - Rename your ~/.gnote.
  - Run gnote, it will create a new ~/.gnote.
  - Copy one of the "offending" notes (*.note files) to the new ~/.gnote
    BEFORE it got corrupted.
  - Verify its current state.  If the note has now been corrupted,
    send me a copy of the old note (prior to corruption).

Btw, which version of gnote are you using?

I'm using version 0.5.1 and the previous version still in my apt cache is 0.4.0. I don't have any backups, but I've tried downgrading to 0.4.0, I've edited a new note and then upgrading again to 0.5.1 is working fine with this note.

I had a note that hadn't been modified since june 8th, I've opened it with 0.5.1 and it got corrupted immediately. I'm sending you this note to your email before it got corrupted.

I hope this helps.

Bernat Arlandis i Mañó

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