forwarded 535479
tag 535479 + upstream


On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 06:45:35PM +0400, Виталий Филиппов wrote:
> In Auth/OpenID/Parse.php, $_tag_expr regexp is
> "<%s\b(?!:)([^>]*?)(?:\/>|>(.*?)(?:<\/?%s\s*>|\Z))". And libpcre3's
> implementation of .*? is probably recursive. So, on big HTML pages
> with <link rel="openid.server">, like
>, <html>...</html> tag is not matched
> due to a stack overflow during matching of .*? (matching stops after
> approximately 99264 bytes). So, Auth_OpenID does not work with these
> pages.
> A workaround is very simple: change .*? to .*

I've forwarded your bug report to upstream and leave it to them to
decide on whatever action is needed here. Thanks for your contribution!


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