Hi Russ,

I tried to salvage the volumes www and root.cell yesterday evening and the 
salvager found some wrong vnodes.
e.g. 07/14/2009 23:41:18 Vnode 133016: version < inode version; fixed (old 

Right after that, it worked as expected again but this morning it failed again 
but with a slight change.

In /afs/.<ourcell>, I now have a directory afs and under that the complete AFS 
tree is accessible (having a directory afs again in the cell root).

Looks like I now have a loop in my filesystem like 
But it doesn't seem to be a mountpoint that I could remove
pm3:/afs/.<ourcell> # fs lsmount afs
'afs' is not a mount point.

Please note that etch clients are able to see that loop as well
>Is the user able to cd out of the chroot, or is this only misleading
>output from getcwd?  In other words, does cd /afs/.<ourcell> work at this
With this loop in place (unintentionally and unwanted) the FTP access now works 
because the complete directory structure is available in the chroot. I have to 
fix this as this is a security problem, we intentionally put the users into a 
chroot so they cannot see the whole tree and how it is exposed to them again :( 
Any ideas what has happened here and how to fix it?

In the state I had yesterday, that loop was not there and so the FTP client 
just ended up in a directory that looked like an absolute path but internally 
was relative to the root of the jail and did not exist.

I do not know what will come next, but to me it looks like chroot()ing somebody 
into AFS isn't a good idea on lenny.


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