On Sunday 10 July 2005 11:08, Steve Langasek wrote:
> This bug is 100% unreproducible for me here.  Are you sure
> "" is configured as a NameVirtualHost?  Do the
> "auto_prepend_file" values from phpinfo() match the "SERVER_NAME" values?

Yes I'm sure, I have about 50 (sub-)domains on that server configured through 
NameVirtualHost and so far everything worked fine. Interestingly enough, only 
the phpbb2-VirtualHosts (which are the only ones f.e. sharing the same 
DocumentRoot) seem to be effected by the bug, i.e. the php_(admin)_values 
only "leak" between them, other domains are not effected. It ssems, that the 
fact, that they have some things in common play a role here.

auto_prepend_file is not the only value that shows this behavior, it's 
actually every php_(admin)_value|flag.

The SERVER_NAME in phpinfo() is always correct, in fact I used it to work 
around auto_prepend_file and include configs depending on 

I can either send you more Info like URLs and configs in private mail, if you 
want to see for yourself, or if you're on IRC we can debug it together. I'm 
currently in #debian as wolffc.

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