Package: dpkg


I debugged a failure in ubuntu today where the package "update-motd"
was updated to a new version that contained no files (that was
intentional, the package was supposed to go away) [1].

Dpkg noticed that the package was empty and purged it during (after?)
apt ran it with --unpack. Later apt tried to configure the package
(because in its worldview the package was a upgrade so it needs a
--unpack and then a --configure). This failed because the package was
no longer there. 

I would like to ask for a new force option that apt can use to turn
this into a non-fatal error. Either a --force-no-purge-if-empty (or
something similar) or a more broader --force-configure-bad (or a
better matching name). I implemented the later and will attach it to
this bugreport. But I'm also happy to do the former or solve it in a
different way. The patch is against the current ubuntu version of
dpkg, but it applies to current git.


diff -Nru dpkg- dpkg-
--- dpkg-	2009-07-08 18:44:31.000000000 +0200
+++ dpkg-	2009-07-17 11:11:17.000000000 +0200
@@ -90,15 +90,26 @@
 	struct stat stab;
 	enum conffopt what;
 	static const char *EMPTY_HASH = "-";
-	if (pkg->status == stat_notinstalled)
-		ohshit(_("no package named `%s' is installed, cannot configure"),pkg->name);
-	if (pkg->status == stat_installed)
-		ohshit(_("package %.250s is already installed and configured"), pkg->name);
-	if (pkg->status != stat_unpacked && pkg->status != stat_halfconfigured)
-		ohshit(_("package %.250s is not ready for configuration\n"
-					" cannot configure (current status `%.250s')"),
-				pkg->name, statusinfos[pkg->status].name);
+	if (pkg->status == stat_notinstalled) {
+	        forcibleerr(fc_configurebad, 
+			    _("no package named `%s' is installed, cannot "
+			      "configure"),pkg->name);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (pkg->status == stat_installed) {
+	        forcibleerr(fc_configurebad, 
+			    _("package %.250s is already installed and "
+			      "configured"), pkg->name);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (pkg->status != stat_unpacked && pkg->status != stat_halfconfigured) {
+	        forcibleerr(fc_configurebad, 
+			    _("package %.250s is not ready for configuration\n"
+			      " cannot configure (current status `%.250s')"),
+			    pkg->name, statusinfos[pkg->status].name);
+		return;
+	}
 	if (dependtry > 1)
 		if (findbreakcycle(pkg))
diff -Nru dpkg- dpkg-
--- dpkg-	2009-07-08 11:06:39.000000000 +0200
+++ dpkg-	2009-07-17 10:56:11.000000000 +0200
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 int f_triggers = 0;
 unsigned long f_debug=0;
 /* Change fc_overwrite to 1 to enable force-overwrite by default */
-int fc_downgrade=1, fc_configureany=0, fc_hold=0, fc_removereinstreq=0, fc_overwrite=0;
+int fc_downgrade=1, fc_configureany=0, fc_configurebad=0, fc_hold=0, fc_removereinstreq=0, fc_overwrite=0;
 int fc_removeessential=0, fc_conflicts=0, fc_depends=0, fc_dependsversion=0;
 int fc_breaks=0, fc_badpath=0, fc_overwritediverted=0, fc_architecture=0;
 int fc_nonroot=0, fc_overwritedir=0, fc_conff_new=0, fc_conff_miss=0;
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@
 } forceinfos[]= {
   { "downgrade",           &fc_downgrade                },
   { "configure-any",       &fc_configureany             },
+  { "configure-bad",       &fc_configurebad             },
   { "hold",                &fc_hold                     },
   { "remove-reinstreq",    &fc_removereinstreq          },
   { "remove-essential",    &fc_removeessential          },
diff -Nru dpkg- dpkg-
--- dpkg-	2009-07-08 11:06:40.000000000 +0200
+++ dpkg-	2009-07-17 11:02:53.000000000 +0200
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 extern int f_autodeconf, f_nodebsig;
 extern int f_triggers;
 extern unsigned long f_debug;
-extern int fc_downgrade, fc_configureany, fc_hold, fc_removereinstreq, fc_overwrite;
+extern int fc_downgrade, fc_configureany, fc_configurebad, fc_hold, fc_removereinstreq, fc_overwrite;
 extern int fc_removeessential, fc_conflicts, fc_depends, fc_dependsversion;
 extern int fc_breaks, fc_badpath, fc_overwritediverted, fc_architecture;
 extern int fc_nonroot, fc_overwritedir, fc_conff_new, fc_conff_miss;

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