* martin f krafft <madd...@debian.org> [2009-07-29 06:13-0400]:
> class cron {

I'm not sure it is a good idea to create a class called 'cron' with a
service 'cron' and package 'cron' and not get into namesapce problems
with the cron native-type. 

This may have something to do with your problem, but I confess, I am
failing to see what your problem is:

> With insserv installed, puppet thinks services are not properly
> installed when in fact they are:

The following clears and then sets the startup links:

>   debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderDebian: Executing
>   '/usr/sbin/update -rc.d -f cron remove'
>   debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderDebian: Executing
>   '/usr/sbin/update -rc.d cron defaults'
>   notice: //Node[default]/cron/Service[cron]/enable: enable changed
>   'false'  to 'true' 

> But cron is enabled:

Isn't that what you want it to be? Isn't that what the above puppet
commands did? I would expect cron to be enabled after that run.

You are saying that puppet thinks that services are not properly
installed, but then you are surprised when they are? I'm pretty confused
what the problem is.

If I were to take a guess, I would guess that your problem is that on
every run puppet is doing this state change (setting cron/enable from
false to true). Is that what you are experiencing? 


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