On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 19:36:36 +0300
Anton Zinoviev <an...@lml.bas.bg> wrote:

> retitle 541291 Some issues to document in FAQ
> severity 541291 minor
> thank you
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 01:31:51PM +0200, Harald Braumann wrote:
> > 
> > For `€' two additional characters are deleted. For the other
> > symbols one additional character is deleted. And it adds up. Thus
> > if I type '€öäü', 5 additional characters are deleted.
> This is because in UTF-8 '€' is coded with 3 bytes and the non-ascii 
> letters with 2 bytes.

I suspected something like this.

> Console-setup permits user-level configuration. The system
> configuration in /etc/default/console-setup can be overriden by
> ~/.console-setup.  But during the last few years, due to a change in
> the kernel configuration the non-priviledged users are not allowed to
> change the keyboard layout.

That's good to know. Could you please add that information to
setupcon(1)? Even if the kernel doesn't permit a non-privileged user to
change the keymap, he can do it at least with sudo/su.

> /usr/share/doc/console-setup/FAQ.gz has not been updated for a while
> and your bug contains several things that need to be documented there.

I don't blame you. Writing documentation is always a PITA.


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