Package: gpsd
Version: 2.39-2


according to the man-page, gpsd drops privileges to the first GPS
device name passed on the command line, or, if that device does
not exist, to the group of /dev/ttyS0.

When started via init.d and a hotplugable usb device e.g. on a
laptop without ttyS0 (quite common, I'd say), neither a device on
the command line is given nor does /dev/ttyUSB0 exist. gpsd keeps
its startup group, root.

When the gps device is plugged in, /dev/ttyUSB0 is created, with
group dialout. As gpsd has dropped its privileges, it cannot
access the device.

I propose changing the behaviour is staying with the original
gid to switching to the dialout group when there is no specific
device a take as a template. Maybe the creation of a gps group,
reflecting this in the gpsd hotplug script and using it as a
fallback might also be an idea.



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