Excerpts from Thomas Vaughan's message of Thu Aug 20 11:07:41 -0700 2009:
> Well, it seems that I was using 2.7.1 at least as late as July 02,
> according to the date stamp on '/var/log/Xorg.1.log'.  There is an EDID
> entry for each of my two monitors in the old log.
> > You can try downgrading using packages from
> > http://people.debian.org/~bgoglin/rebuilds/Xserver1.6/
> Thanks.  I downgraded with your package and have 2.7.1 now installed
> again, but I'm still seeing no EDID stuff for TMDS-1, whose attached
> monitor is a member of the same species (model) as is the monitor
> attached to VGA.
> Do you know of any other updates that might have messed up the EDID
> stuff for TMDS-1?  A kernel update?

>From the old Xorg log with the working EDID you should at least be
able to see what kernel you were running at the time, so that's
something that you might try. (Whether the kernel is relevant depends
on whether you are using kernel modesetting---that is, loading the
i915 kernel module with modeset=1. If you are using KMS, then yes, the
kernel is very relevant. If not, then it likely won't have any effect

Beyond replicating the originally working software environment as well
as possible, you can explore whether there's some other issue that
could have affected things. For example, is it possible to switch
cables from a working to a non-working monitor?


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