On 09/08/31 11:54 -0400, Joey Hess said ...
> Y Giridhar Appaji Nag wrote:
> > dput tries to upload using ftp by default.  Did you happen to modify the
> > "method" line in the [DEFAULT] stanza or the [security-master] in the global
> > or your per-user dput configuration file?
> Indeed, I have scp in the DEFAULT of my .dput.cf.

If ftp is your default preference, you should override that for
security-master by setting method to ftp for [security-master].  For this bug,
I will set method = ftp in the default dput.cf for the security-master stanza.

Thank you for reporting this issue.


Y Giridhar Appaji Nag | http://appaji.net/

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