Jonas Meurer wrote:

> are you sure that the bug is related to libmimelib1c2a? did you try
> whether _only_ downgrading mimelib to 1.1.2 from debian kdepim3 fixes
> it an then re-upgrading to standalone mimelib 1.1.4 makes it appear
> again?

Exactly this is the case.  Just tried it on two different systems once 

> i'm asking because i checked ABI compliance very carefully, both
> manually and with tools like abi-compliance-checker. and the changes
> that where made to the code for the standalone mimelib1 1.1.4 package
> aren't related to pgp/mime handling at all.

OK, then maybe the ABI didn't break but the library is working in some 
other incompatible way.

Please let me know how I can help debugging this.


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