On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 07:10:36PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
> Peter Pentchev wrote:
> > Oh... I think I see it now - it's just that it's an information notice,
> > not a warning or an error.  In that case, it might be that it's your
> > call to decide to ignore it - and if so, sorry for the wasted time
> > again, and thanks for your response!  Should I close the bug, or will you?
> I don't understand why lintian emits even an I: for this. Policy does
> not seems to require splititng B-D in this case; there is no value in
> doing do; it is difficult and faulure-prone to do so; it can apparently
> require lintian overrides to get the split right, as we see in your
> patch.
> Given all these, maybe reassign to lintian?

Come to think of it, you're absolutely right - an arch-all package
really *is* built only once, so just a single buildd gets to install
all the dependencies, so there should be no need to split them indeed.

I think I could look into lintian's code tomorrow and maybe even come
up with a patch suggestion.  You could reassign it earlier if you like.
Thanks again!


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net    r...@space.bg    r...@freebsd.org
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Do you think anybody has ever had *precisely this thought* before?

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