Bastian Blank wrote:
> I'm not sure, where this informations comes from, but LVM upstream
> decided to use the UUID of CRYPT-TEMP-* to detect the temporary luks
> devices. Also in the examples, they use CRYPT-PLAIN-* and CRYPT-LUKS1-*,
> which is not set this way by the current version of cryptsetup.

The rule is simple - all dm devices should have UUID set.

for cryptsetup <= 1.0.6 it doesn't set dm-uuid at all.

for cryptsetup == 1.0.7 it set dm-uuid for luks device, but because of problems
(people are running snapshots of the whole header and then dm-uuid is 
I changed it (see debian bug 538221 for example).

So now, all devices created by cryptsetup have DM-UUID set in the format
 CRYPT-<devicetype>-[<uuid>-]<device name>

For example:

(All dm devices have prefix which identifies subsystem - here CRYPT-, but we 
have LVM-, DMRAID-,
MPATH, etc.)

For udev rules, you should still detect temporary cryptsetup detect devices by 
name (because of
old version of cryptsetup), but since version 1.1 it have also uuid prefix 
Name remains (temporary-cryptsetup-$PID)

The lvm code already contains proper rule for udev:

ENV{DM_UUID}=="CRYPT-TEMP-?*", GOTO="dm_last_rule"
ENV{DM_UUID}!="?*", ENV{DM_NAME}=="temporary-cryptsetup-?*", GOTO="dm_last_rule"

That's the story. What's the real problem now in this bug?
The old cryptsetup do not set dm-uuid, but I see no real problem with that.


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