Version: 2.01+01a01-4

They use different interfaces it seems, the dev=/dev/hdc trick
seems to switch to ATAPI transport (instead of ATA):


1. Become root, find out the virtual SCSI ID of your device,
    running: cdrecord dev=ATA: -scanbus


       To  access  SCSI  devices  via  alternate transport
       layers, you need to prepend the SCSI device name  by  a
       transport layer  indicator.   The transport  layer
       indicator may be something like USCSI: or ATAPI:.  To get
       a list of supported transport layers for your  platform,
       use dev= HELP:

cdrecord dev=HELP: reveals:

Transport name:         ATA
Transport descr.:       ATA Packet specific SCSI transport
Transp. layer ind.:     ATAPI:
Target specifier:       bus,target,lun
Target example:         ATAPI:1,2,0
SCSI Bus scanning:      supported
Open via UNIX device:   not supported

Transport name:         ATA
Transport descr.:       ATA Packet specific SCSI transport using
sg interface
Transp. layer ind.:     ATA:
Target specifier:       bus,target,lun
Target example:         1,2,0
SCSI Bus scanning:      supported
Open via UNIX device:   not supported

ATAPI recognizes the drive, but there is this warning about no
DMA support.
Linux 2.6.11-1-686-smp #1 SMP Mon Jun 20 20:18:45 MDT 2005 
i686 GNU/Linux

ATA does work like this:
sudo cdrecord -scanbus dev=/dev/hdc     # dev=<yourdevice>
# scan succeeds, use that value now with ATA:
sudo cdrecord dev=ATA:1,0,0 -prcap
# caps ...

related bugs:
#309250: cdrecord -dev=ATA: -scanbus loops forever
#312693: cdrecord: README.ATAPI.setup tells to use wrong dev=ATA: option 
instead of correct dev=ATAPI.
#310689 cdrecord fails to detect ATA device with -scanbus

ciao, 2ri
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