This one time, at band camp, Stephen Gran said:
> Yes, that gives me back my VT's, although now glxgears only gets ~32 fps
> (down from ~850 fps with the distributed one).  Phooey.  Well, I'd
> rather have VT's than GL speed, so thank you for the fix.

Disregard even this.  I apparently have decided to try udev here, and
it was apparently the cause of the slowness.  I see that it created a
device node (dri/card0) several seconds _after_ X started.  Restarting X
once the device node was there returns everything to normal.

So from my point of view, everything but udev is working as it should.
Thanks again,
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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