On 11/07/2009 05:05:49 AM, Peter Bloomfield wrote:
> Sorry, I should have been clearer: "--g-fatal-warnings" is an 
> argument
> for  
> any Gtk-based app.  You can use it like this:
> o at the console, enter:
> gdb path/to/balsa
> r --g-fatal-warnings
> o when Balsa issues the "CRITICAL" warning, it gets promoted to an
> error,  
> and gdb stops; at that point, type
> bt
> and gdb will print the backtrace.  It's good that you installed  
> balsa-dbg--it makes the backtrace actually worth something!

Allright.  I just missed another crash.

I've done
ulimit -c unlimited
before running balsa.  This should get me a core
file I can run gdb on to do a backtrace.  Right?

Is this sufficient or should I muck about so I
can run balsa interactively from a terminal as
you recommend above?

Karl <k...@meme.com>
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                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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