Hi! I accidentally discovered more problems with integer handling.
Like "plot 4/3" will actually plot a line at 1 and "plot 4/3*x" will
plot the same as "plot x". "plot 4.0/3" will plot the correct value
(see attached postscript file).

I'm using debian unstable. Installing the stable gnuplot packages
didn't make a difference. I can't remember having this problems in the
past so maybe it's related to a recent update of libc?
Could someone check if that happens in stable too? Just type
"plot x,4/3*x,4.0/3*x" in gnuplot and see which lines match.

But even if it is a flaw in libc integer handling, couldn't gnuplot
just simply avoid using integers?


Attachment: integer_problem.ps
Description: PostScript document

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