Christophe Mutricy wrote:
> Le Sat 28 Nov 09 à 14:42 +0100, Tomas Pelka a écrit :
>> --Aditional info--
>> Not sure if this problem is caused by vlc or some of video libs. But
>> mplayer works ok.
>> Some warnings and errors recognized in the vlc -vvv output:
>> [0x1865a08] scaletempo audio filter warning: bad input or output format
>> [0x1865a08] main audio filter warning: no audio filter module matching
>> "scaletempo" could be loaded
>> [0x15eb378] main decoder warning: dts != current_pts (-296710)
>> [0x1829658] xvideo video output warning: no free XVideo port found for
>> format 0x30323449 (I420)
>> [0x1829658] xvideo video output warning: no free XVideo port found for
>> format 0x32595559 (YUY2)
>> [0x1829658] xvideo video output warning: no free XVideo port found for
>> format 0x36315652 (RV16)
> So does it tells which video output module it uses at the end?
> Could you try:
> vlc -V xv
> vlc -V x11
> vlc -V glx

It was X11 driver, but appears another problem after todays update. VLC
now crash with:

[????????] x11 video output error: X11 request 140.3 failed with error
code 8:
 BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
[????????] x11 video output notice: buggy X11 server claims shared memory
[????????] x11 video output notice: support though it does not work
[????????] x11 video output error: X11 request 140.3 failed with error
code 8:
 BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
  Major opcode of failed request:  140 (MIT-SHM)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_ShmPutImage)
  Serial number of failed request:  59
  Current serial number in output stream:  60


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