cc added:  Albert Cahalan <acahalan %at%>.  Albert, welcome
to the thread, and thanks for maintaining procps.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 5:14 AM, Craig Small <> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 04:09:30AM -0500, Jason A. Spiro wrote:
>> When?  What were the complaints?  :)
> It was quite a few a years ago and it was basically "we want it the
> other way"

What functionality were you gradually transitioning in?

>> But Craig, aren't you the upstream maintainer of procps?
> No. Albert is. I'm the Debian procps maintainer. I can only generate
> Debian-specific diffs, so thats why changing the flags is a bad idea.
> I'm also the psmisc (eg killall) maintainer.

Ah.  Craig, when I saw "You may use the Debian bug tracking system" at , and you replied to my issue
mail, I thought you were the upstream.  :)  Is it allowed in the
current version of debbugs for you to configure things so debbugs will
forward all new procps bugs not just to you, but also to Albert?

>> Good idea.  I have researched your idea.  From the first forty or so
>> Google search results for [ "pkill -v" ], it looks like nobody in
>> those search results uses "pkill -v some_process_name" except by
>> accident.  They only use -v purposefully when they use it with -u, as
>> in "pkill -v -u root" or "pkill -v -u 0,1" or "pkill -v -u
>> root,daemon,nobody,gdm".  Maybe if you want to use -v without -u, you
>> should need to pass the long option --invert-match instead of the
>> short option -v.  What do you think?
> Something like that would be better.  Not changing the flag but
> disabling it for somewhat obvious errors; and then having another flag,
> a long option, that means yes really do it.

Albert, I wrote an explanation -- viewable at the top of -- on why pkill -v is so dangerous.
Given my explanation, what do you think of my idea?

Albert, Craig, please make sure to always CC me and the bugtracker
when you reply.

Kind regards,

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