severity 319999 normal
tag 319999 + help confirmed
thanks (not) for the non-free build-dep nsis authors ;)

Greg Hazel  wrote:
> when compiling a script with "System::Call" I get:
> "Invalid command: System::Call" and the makensis process aborts. This script 
> compiles fine with NSIS on windows.
> docs for System are at:

Unfortunately, the System plugin cannot be compiled on debian, because
it requires Microsoft's non-free C compiler for the MS inline assembly
in the source files. If you send a patch to convert all the inline
assembly to the format understood by GCC (I have very little knowledge
of assembly and no knowledge of either inline assembly format), I will
add in the #ifdef's necessary for compilation on both MSVC and GCC and
submit it upstream. I don't know if upstream would accept such a patch -
they may or may not be able to maintain GCC inline assembly. This is
also explained in the README.Debian in version 2.07-1 (not recommended -
see 319929) and 2.08-1 (on mentors.debian, but not yet in experimental).
Upstream know about this issue, but I don't think it is a high priority
for them.

A workaround is to download the binary file from upstream, or in the
source package for 2.06-6 (2.07-1 and later do not have precompiled
files in the source) and place it in /usr/share/nsis/Plugins/.


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