On Fri, Dec 04, 2009 at 09:11:23AM +0100, Julien Cristau wrote:
> > The leak is fairly slow - it really does take a day or two to get to the
> > 1G mark.  In the past hour or so, it's grown from 70MiB to 90MiB.
> > 
> > I am happy to collect any information requested to help troubleshoot
> > this - it's very annoying.
> > 
> You could try running X under valgrind (with debugging symbols
> installed).  It would be fairly slow, but could give some hints.
> IIRC 1.7 fixed a memleak related to cursors, do you have some clients
> that create cursors?

Yes, I do - I am using an E17 theme that creates custom cursors.  I've
disabled that and restarted, I'll try to confirm that's the issue and
then look into to running X under valgrind.


Ross Vandegrift

"If the fight gets hot, the songs get hotter.  If the going gets tough,
the songs get tougher."
        --Woody Guthrie

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