On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 18:11:59 +0200, Damyan Ivanov wrote:

> > I tried to rebuild libbsd-resource-perl, and t/getrusage.t test does
> > not fail here. Could someone of the Debian Perl Group try to reproduce
> > this too?
> Builds here (amd64 cowbuilder).
> The failing test file has two tests. Both check whether some resource 
> consumption is approximately the same as what times() reports. There 
> is a tolerance (20% for user time and 40% for system time) and the 
> tests fail if the measured resource consumprion diverges by aa great 
> factor.

The tests point to INSTALL which has an interested paragraph
concerning this specific test:

NOTE 1: The test t/getrusage.t is known to be tricky and to fail once
in a while. This is because the results depend on timing issues and
the activity of the operating system, it is moderately icky to
guestimate such tolerances that leave some slack while still proving
anything. Please retry 'make test' for a couple times, "eventually"
the test should pass. If even that fails, please see that the $debug
in the script is 1 and then run the test separately:

        perl -Mblib t/getrusage.t

or (if the above does not work)

        perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib t/getrusage.t

and send the results to me. Ditto for the other tests: running them
separately with the $debug on is useful for, well, debugging.

I just built the package in 3 cowbuilder sid chroots (i386, amd64,
and armel) -- and it passes the tests everywhere. Hm.

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