clone 563237 -1
retitle -1 Provide way for esier configuration
reassign -1 jed-common
severity -1 wishlist

Hello Jonathan,

Jonathan Nieder hat am Fri 01. Jan, 10:28 (+0000) geschrieben:
> Package: jed-extra
> Version: 2.5.6-1

> xjed itself does not support vi keys and even hitting ^C to send it
> SIGINT does not result in any intuitive response (it says "Quit!" and
> just sits there expectantly), so I decided to kill it and avoid
> starting it again rather than expect guidance from that corner.

What's so difficult in going to the file menu and selecting quit there?

> Would it be possible to add some note to some README.Debian to help
> ex-pats from other editors to start out?  Ideally, this would be a
> comment along these lines: "To switch the default editor emulation
> mode for jed system-wide, run 'dpkg-reconfigure -plow jed'.

This doesn't work, because Jed is not customizable through debconf, and
it will never be, because this would be a misuse of debconf, i.e. it's
not an essential configuration needed to run the editor.

> To change it for a particular user, run 'jed-setup'."

This would be a valuable extension. We have to think about it a little
bit, but I would say we should add it. Or Günter, does jed-extra provide
such a script?

Bye, Jörg.
Optimisten haben gar keine Ahnung von den freudigen Überraschungen, die
Pessimisten erleben.
                                                (Peter Bramm)

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