
On 08 Jan 2010, martin f krafft wrote:
> It is my understanding that -Mmutt should inhibit the exit code for
> --max-lines. Since the --max-lines handling changed since 2.8.1 (it
> moved out of process_msg(), the return code for overlong messages
> will be non-zero even if -Mmutt is passed. This causes mutt to
> request me to press a key before it displays the message, because
> from mutt's point of view, the display_filter failed.

Thanks for reporting and for the patch. (I guess it was you who notified
the t-prot Debian package maintainer, Gerfried Fuchs, yesterday by IRC.
Thanks for that too: He told me instantly and we had a little discussion
how to handle t-prot aborting processing in this case. I could not
reproduce the behaviour on my rusty trusty stable mutt, and he did all
the testing for me -- thanks, Alfie!)

There will be a new upstream release really soon, fixing the issue.

Have a nice weekend,
I worry about my child and the Internet all the time, even though she's too
young to have logged on yet.  Here's what I worry about.  I worry that 10 or
15 years from now, she will come to me and say "Daddy, where were you when
they took freedom of the press away from the Internet?"     -Mike Godwin

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