On Thursday 14 January 2010 09:00:38 Mark Purcell wrote:


> > In case the package kmymoney2-plugin-aqbanking really gets removed from
> > the archive and Debian Squeeze gets released without it, an upgrade to
> > kmymoney2 3.95.0+svn1069391-1 or later would leave the package
> > kmymoney2-plugin-aqbanking in a unusable state. I suggest that the
> > package kmymoney2 should indicate this by an added dependency field in
> > the control file:
> >
> > Breaks: kmymoney2-plugin-aqbanking (<= 1.0-1)
> I'm happy to include in the next upload of kmymoney..
> > However, in the long run I plan to upload a fixed version of
> > kmymoney2-plugin-aqbanking as soon as the mentioned problems have been
> > sorted out upstream.
> Great.

As mentioned before, the plugin is now part of the main source repository and 
is build when all pre-requesits are matched (AqBanking with Qt4 support is 
available/installed on the build system) while KMyMoney itself is build.



Thomas Baumgart

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Flying is absolutely safe as long as you land as often
as you take off. -- Klaus Klages

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