hi again,

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:13:59AM +0100, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> I'm not sure too. How is the case of a complete new installation
> diverted from the update procedure? I think that should at least be
> addressed by proper questions. Maybe that needs the second suggestion
> with a new debconf-template.

basically, when upgrading from a non-dbc version to a dbc version,
a "should we use dbconfig-common" question is asked which should be
true or false.  if they answer false it's treated as if they don't
want dbconfig-common's help at all.  if they answer true it's treated
as "yes, please migrate/import my settings, and then behave as though
i installed with dbconfig-common enabled while processing the upgrade".

> > > However, later on I tried to say yes here (with having a backup of the
> > > database) and I also didn't get asked to update the existing database.
> > 
> > this may be because you already upgraded, and were instead reconfiguring
> > at the new version level?  dbconfig-common itself doesn't keep much state
> > and instead relies on what it's given via the maintainer scripts.
> Odd. I did not dive in to dbconfig-common until yet. But as I believe
> this should be possible to do with dpkg-reconfigure.

it should be possible to reconfigure the existing database, or re-install
from scratch, but not possible to apply upgrades from previous versions
which you're already passed, since dbconfig-common takes its state from
dpkg in that regard.  i guess it could be useful to have a tool that does

> > take a look under /usr/share/dbconfig-common/{data,scripts}/<pkg>, which
> Yes, as I told before. The files under /usr/share/dbconfig-common are a
> help. But I think, it is easy to also copy the update scripts from the
> distribution to /usr/share/doc/<pkg> as that is the place where it is
> expected (at least by me). This should not be that much work to do.
> Maybe I'll find a minute the next days to file a patch.

yes i think it's always a good idea to have something in /u/s/d that
explains such things, even if it's just ("look in this other directory
for the upgrade scripts").  i was pretty sure there was a recommendation
to do so in the dbconfig-common docs somewhere about this, though at the
moment i can't seem to dig it up.


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