Quoting Rogério Brito (rbr...@ime.usp.br):

> Is there any formalized procedure for new members? I barely know how
> to package things, but I would like to help (please, keep in mind that
> I am only a Debian Maintainer, not a Debian Developer).

Not really any formalized process. Just ask (assuming you have an
Alioth account).

Several team members are DMs and we have just enough DDs to be able to
deal with uploads. Many (font) packages are DM-maintained, indeed.

The recommended aciton is also to subscribe to
pkg-fonts-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org and
pkg-fonts-b...@l.a.d.o. Doing so will make you receive bug reports for
the team-maintained packages...which is often helpful to help
maintaining the packages....:)

So, if you would like to participate, just feel free. For instance, FF
would definitely benefit from a good bug triage (actually, I don't
really know...maybe this is well controlled by Kęstutis but he will
tell us..:-)).

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