Dear Denis,

On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 09:22:53PM +0100, Denis Barbier wrote:
> > This was fantastic analysis. I actually would like to know how you
> > zeroed in onto zdrot to find the problem.
> Hi,
> I used brute force ;)
> libblas3gf 1.2-4 is installed on my system, object files from
> libblas3gf 1.2-3 have been unpacked into dir1, half files are moved
> into dir2.  then I compiled
>   gfortran zgesvd_ex.o dir1/*.o -llapack
> and by dichotomy found which object file is causing trouble.

Thanks for letting me know; I shall try to use this method the next time.

> > I shall now try to play around with zdrot to see if I can create a
> > test case which reproduces the bug, so that I can file a bug report
> > with GCC.
> I am afraid that this is not easy, and anyway GCC folks will discard
> your bugreport since this bug has been fixed in 4.5.  But I am very
> interested to know the exact reason, and if there is a way to prevent
> this bug by modifying source files.

I have been trying, but I am unable to produce errors with my analysis
of zdrot individually. In the hope that someone else smarter than me,
can find a non-functional test case, I attach my source
code. Compiling it with make, and then make FFLAGS=-O3 should result
in some difference when the resulting executable is run for some test
cases, but which test case it is, I am unsure.

HTH, and thanks.

Life's errors cry for the merciful beauty
that can modulate their isolation
into a harmony with the whole.
- Rabindranath Tagore (Fireflies, 1928)


all: zdrot_test

zdrot_test: zdrot.o zdrot_test.o

zdrot.o: zdrot.f
        gfortran -c $(FFLAGS) $< -o $@

zdrot_test.o: zdrot_test.c
        $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

.PHONY: clean

        $(RM) zdrot_test.o zdrot.o zdrot_test
*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
      INTEGER            INCX, INCY, N
*     ..
*     .. Array Arguments ..
      COMPLEX*16         CX( * ), CY( * )
*     ..
*  Purpose
*  =======
*  Applies a plane rotation, where the cos and sin (c and s) are real
*  and the vectors cx and cy are complex.
*  jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
*  Arguments
*  ==========
*  N        (input) INTEGER
*           On entry, N specifies the order of the vectors cx and cy.
*           N must be at least zero.
*           Unchanged on exit.
*  CX       (input) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension at least
*           ( 1 + ( N - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).
*           Before entry, the incremented array CX must contain the n
*           element vector cx. On exit, CX is overwritten by the updated
*           vector cx.
*  INCX     (input) INTEGER
*           On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
*           CX. INCX must not be zero.
*           Unchanged on exit.
*  CY       (input) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension at least
*           ( 1 + ( N - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ).
*           Before entry, the incremented array CY must contain the n
*           element vector cy. On exit, CY is overwritten by the updated
*           vector cy.
*  INCY     (input) INTEGER
*           On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of
*           CY. INCY must not be zero.
*           Unchanged on exit.
*  C        (input) DOUBLE PRECISION
*           On entry, C specifies the cosine, cos.
*           Unchanged on exit.
*  S        (input) DOUBLE PRECISION
*           On entry, S specifies the sine, sin.
*           Unchanged on exit.
* =====================================================================
*     .. Local Scalars ..
      INTEGER            I, IX, IY
      COMPLEX*16         CTEMP
*     ..
*     .. Executable Statements ..
      IF( N.LE.0 )
     $   RETURN
      IF( INCX.EQ.1 .AND. INCY.EQ.1 )
     $   GO TO 20
*        code for unequal increments or equal increments not equal
*          to 1
      IX = 1
      IY = 1
      IF( INCX.LT.0 )
     $   IX = ( -N+1 )*INCX + 1
      IF( INCY.LT.0 )
     $   IY = ( -N+1 )*INCY + 1
      DO 10 I = 1, N
         CTEMP = C*CX( IX ) + S*CY( IY )
         CY( IY ) = C*CY( IY ) - S*CX( IX )
         CX( IX ) = CTEMP
         IX = IX + INCX
         IY = IY + INCY
*        code for both increments equal to 1
      DO 30 I = 1, N
         CTEMP = C*CX( I ) + S*CY( I )
         CY( I ) = C*CY( I ) - S*CX( I )
         CX( I ) = CTEMP
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef struct _dcomplex {
  double real;
  double imag;
} dcomplex;

zdrot_(int *N, dcomplex *CX, int *INCX, dcomplex *CY,int *INCY, double *C, double *S);

  int i;
  int n = 5;
  dcomplex cx[] = {{1.0, 1.0}, {2.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 3.0}, {4.0, 4.0}, {5.0, 5.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 3.0}, {4.0, 4.0}};
  int incx = 2;
  dcomplex cy[] = {{-5.0, 5.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, {-4.0, 4.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, {-3.0, 3.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, {-2.0, 2.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, {-1.0, 1.0}};
  int incy = -2;
  double c = 0.5;
  double s = sqrt(3.0) / 2.0;
  zdrot_(&n, cx, &incx, cy, &incy, &c, &s);
  printf("x: {");
  for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
    printf("(%.4f, %.4f), ", cx[2 * i].real, cx[2 * i].imag);
  printf("(%.4f, %.4f)}\n", cx[2 * (n - 1)].real, cx[2 * (n - 1)].imag);

  printf("y: {");
  for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
    printf("(%.4f, %.4f), ", cy[2 * i].real, cy[2 * i].imag);
  printf("(%.4f, %.4f)}\n", cy[2 * (n - 1)].real, cy[2 * (n - 1)].imag);
  return 0;

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