Christoph Bier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> You seem to have some stuff in HOMETEXMF, but much
>> of the configuration files in /etc/texmf.  This might cause some
>> confusion.
> This was necessary for teTeX 2 because it did not search for map and
> enc files in HOMETEXMF. Might this really confuse teTeX 3.0 now? I
> always installed the font files according to Walter's instructions
> for teTeX 2. And now some work, some don't ...

I don't know whether it confuses teTeX 3.0, it's just one piece that
contributes to the puzzle...  What could in fact cause confusion is if
you *now* use both upmap and updmap-sys, creating different information

>> What is actually the output of 
>> kpsewhich --progname=pdflatex
> /var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/
>> is it in HOMETEXMF, and is it the right one?
> Sorry, I don't know if this is the right one. How can I figure out
> which one is the right one? There is another one in
> /root/.texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/ It's quite
> confusing for me.

This is bug #294197, this time not for ls-R but for .texmf-var.  I was
under the illusion that we patched updmap sufficiently to prevent it
from doing this...

> I was really happy to have all my fonts working
> and I do not understand why it does not work anymore. To have
> working fonts again (at least on one machine) I made a subtle
> decision yesterday: I made a backup of my laptop (also running
> Sarge) and installed Ubuntu Hoary. Now I'm going to install teTeX
> 3.0 by hand and then I will install all of my fonts there again. So
> we still can use my desktop to find the cause for the problems and I
> can compile my LaTeX files on my laptop (at the latest tonight, I
> hope) ...

That sounds like a good approach.  Additionally, since 

>> Sorry, I'm helpless.
> :-(

I suggest that you also ask on de.comp.text.tex or similar for help;
especially when there are also some problems with the manually installed

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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