package subtitleeditor
fixed 507509 0.30.0-1.1

On 20-Mar-2010, George Kiagiadakis wrote:
> On Saturday 20 of March 2010 11:50:31 Ben Finney wrote:
> > Are you able to reproduce the original failure with the current
> > version in Debian Squeeze (or Sid)?
> No, I am not able to reproduce it anymore. I'm closing the bug.

Great! I'm marking the bug report fixed in the current version.

> Thanks.

Thank you for your prompt response.

 \        “When I was a baby I kept a diary. Recently I was re-reading |
  `\   it, it said ‘Day 1: Still tired from the move. Day 2: Everybody |
_o__)                  talks to me like I'm an idiot.’” —Steven Wright |
Ben Finney <>

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