
For lack of time/money @ customer, some unfortunately incomplete info:

libdrm git (c1c8bbf8) with experimental x-x-v-intel seems to be an 
improvment.  We didn't work with it for long, but switching to text console 
and back didn't trigger the bug (and did, before).  Enabling compositing 
still does, though.  This is on the 845 GPU which was used in this bug 
report so far.

The 865 based hardware I have seems (again: not very much testing) to 
basically work.  If this does indeed work, I guess I'll wait a few months 
and come back to this when our supply of 865 based computers is gone.  
(Can't invest unlimited time, -eoutofmo...@custumer...)

-- vbi

It's hearts and minds that are most desirable.  The way to get them of
course is to have 'em by the balls.
        -- Don Quixote in news.admin.net-abuse.email

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